1. An Introduction to Causeway Docs

Causeway Docs is a cloud-based document management solution that provides a clean, modern environment for managing documents and photos. With easy storage, direct access to documents, and process driven folders, Causeway Docs provides a fully collaborative environment to manage your project drawings and key documents.

Key Features

  • Organisational document control and administration
  • Project based drawing management and collaboration
  • Simple, customer configurable role-based secure access
  • Document audit history and version control
  • Fast and secure document retrieval using quick filters, advanced search and facets
  • Automated drawing and technical document processes
  • Customisable MetaData
  • Document publishing and package management

2. Logging in to Causeway Docs

You can log in to Causeway Docs using the credentials provided by your organisational administrator.

Note: You will receive an e-mail from Causeway once your organisation administrator adds an account for you in the Causeway Licence Manager (CLM).

To login to Causeway Docs, perform the following steps:
  1. Login to the application using the URL ...https://docs.causeway.com
  2. Enter your Email address and Password as provided by Causeway and click Sign In.

3. Users and Groups

There are four types of user in Causeway Docs and unlimited groups that can be setup to identify different groups of users.

3.1 User Types

The type of user you are will define what areas of the system you can access, what documents you can view, what functions you can use, and what level of configuration you have.

Organisational Administrator An Organisational Administrator has access to all administrative functions and all content within an Organisation. An administrator will override all assigned permissions on folders and can manage Projects and Project Templates within that organisation. N.B an Org Admin will NOT have administrator rights for any Project by default.
Project Administrator A Project Administrator has access to all administrative functions and all content within a Project. An administrator will override all assigned permissions on folders within that Project.
Key User A Key User has elevated privileges to allow Users, Groups and Processes to be managed. They will always adhere to the applied permissions.
Standard Users A standard user has no access to admin functions and will always adhere to the applied permissions. They can view all users and groups in the current OU via the Overview tiles.
Restricted Users A restricted user has no access to admin functions and will always adhere to the applied permissions. They CANNOT view users and groups in the current OU via the Overview tiles.

3.2 Groups

By creating groups of users and assigning those groups to folders with specific levels of access, role-based permissions to content can be controlled throughout the system. Group administration is only allowed for Administrators and can be accessed via the overview and administration tiles. See Administration and Overview Tiles.

Groups can be added to a folder and the required permission configured by using the Permissions options menu against the folder See Setting Permissions.

4. Organisational Units

The Causeway Docs application works based on a central administration system for each Organisation or Project.

Note: An Organisation and a Project are both types of Organisational Unit (OU)

The Overview page combines useful OU summary information but also provides access to the Administrative functions if you are an OU Administrator.

With the relevant privileges, from the graphical Overview pages, you can:
  • Administer your OU (OU Administrator & Key User)
  • Manage Processes within the OU (OU Administrator & Key User)
  • View Processes and OU Summary details. (Any User)

4.1 Administration and Overview Tiles

To view the summary of an OU, navigate to the Organisation or Projects page and click the Overview option under the selected OU.

administration overview tiles image 1 administration overview tiles image 2

4.2 A complete list of the Administration and Overview Tiles

Tile Icon Description Access Context
browse image The Browse tile lets you browse the current OU. All All
browse image The Saved Search tile lets you run, delete, and edit any previously saved searches. All All
storage image The Storage tile displays the amount of storage used by the current OU. Clicking on the tile will open a blade detailing the split of that storage over live and deleted content. If in an Organisation the blade will also display the breakdown over any associated Projects. An export to excel is available. All All
recycle image The Recycle Bin holds deleted objects and lets you restore or purge them permanently. All All
users image The User tile displays the total number of user types with access to the OU. Click the user type to view and edit the respective users. As an Admin it is here that you can promote a user to an Administrator or Key User, revoke those rights, restrict users, and remove them from the OU. N.B. Restricted Users are not able to drill down to see the actual user names.

All - Read

Admin &

KeyUser - Edit

groups image The Groups tile displays the total number of groups in the OU. Click the button to manage groups and the users within them. Groups can be used for applying permissions or as process groups to allow tasks to go to a specific set of people.

Key Users cannot delete groups created by Administrators and Restricted Users are not able to drill down to see the group detail.

All - Read

Admin &

KeyUser - Edit

privileges image The Privileges tile displays the total number of privilege policies created in the OU. Click the button to manage them. Privileges can be used for restricting groups of users from performing specific functions. E.g. disabling folder creation for a group of users.

Privileges define what you can do as opposed to permissions that define where you can do it. By default all users have all privileges. Restrictive policies added will then take precedence.

All - Read

Admin - Edit

meta data image Click the MetaData tile to create, view and edit MetaTags and MetaGroups. Admin All
pending image The Pending MetaData tile displays the number of files in non process folders where the MetaData for mandatory MetaTags are missing. Click the button to view the list of files. N.B This only includes files that are not in a process folder i.e. not in a Basket. Admin All
user baskets image The User Baskets tile displays the number of baskets that exist in the current OU. i.e. User Baskets that contain files in process folders where the MetaData for mandatory MetaTags are missing. Click the button to view the list of user baskets and the respective files within them. N.B Baskets only include files that are in process folders Admin All
daily digest image The Daily Digest tile allows an automated excel extract of document details to be setup based on pre-defined location and MetaTag criteria. The output location of the excel extract is configured during setup. These extracts can be edited, enabled, disabled, and deleted as required. They are created each morning for any documents modified or created on the previous day. Admin All
projects image The Projects tile displays the total number of projects created within an organisation / how many projects the organisation is licenced for (Max Projects). A "0" means Projects are not licenced for use. Click for the list of Projects. You can create a Project Template from here.

Archived Projects are the total number of archived projects within an organisation. Click to view the list of Archived Projects. Archived Projects are not included in the "Max Project" count. Archived Projects can be restored from here, if the Organisation has enough spare Project licences.

Project Templates lists all available templates for the organisation. Here you can view and delete the templates.
Admin Organisations Only
collaborators image The Collaborators tile displays the total number of Project Users created within all organisational projects that are not included in the parent organisation. All - Read Organisations Only
application keys image The Application Key tile allows you to generate an OU specific Application key. An application key is used by an external system to connect to the Causeway Docs application and utilise the system Rest APIs. Admin Organisations Only
process library image The Process Library tile allows to view the library of processes available within the OU. Processes can be set against individual folders within the OU. Clicking on a specific process in this list allows you to view the process details, a summary of outstanding and completed processes, and a list of the folders that each process has been applied to. If you are an Administrator you can edit the process applied to each folder and the specific process mappings.

The Processes section lists the Process Status links displaying the total number of processes within the OU at the respective status. Clicking on the links will navigate to the detail of those processes.
All All
mes image The MetaData Extraction Strategy (MES) tile is used to configure strategies for extracting metadata values from files that are uploaded into baskets. E.g. A structured filename can be mapped to extract values from the filename and populate the MetaTag values automatically. Admin Projects Only
task summary image When clicked the Task Summary tile displays a count of all outstanding tasks grouped by parent process. Each task name can then be clicked to navigate to a full list of the specific in-progress tasks.

The Task Details link allows you to view the list of tasks in an OU. You can filter based on Process, Assignee, Status, Type and Parent Folder. (i.e. the folder from which the document of the task originated from) Expanding each task shows the task details and allows quick navigation to the file overview or process panel to manage the process. If you are the owner of the task you also have a quick navigation button to the task in your task list.
All All
invoice imports image The Invoice Imports tile is used for configuration with Tradex (eInvoicing) Admin Only Organisations Only

5. The General Interface

This section describes the general interface of Causeway Docs.

general interface image
UI Elements Description
Navigation Pane The Navigation Pane allows you to navigate to the different areas and functions within Docs. For more information, see Navigation Pane
Work Area The Work Area will display the different files and folders based on your navigation. For more information, see Work Area.

5.1 Navigation Pane

This section gives you details about the different options on the Navigation Pane

Tab Description
Organisations The Organisation tab allows you to access the Organisations you have been assigned to. Based on the permissions granted to you by an Organisation administrator, you can add, edit, and delete files and folders in the Organisation unit.
Projects The Projects tab allows you to create and access Projects you have created or have been allocated to. Based on the permissions granted to you by the Project Administrator, you can create and manage projects files and folders within the Project.
Favourites Throughout Docs you can flag files and folders as Favourites, The Favourites tab displays your current favourites for quick access
Recents The Recents tab display all files and folders that you have recently interacted with. This allow quick navigation to recent work.
Tasks The Tasks tab will list the process steps that are pending and assigned to you or are available for you to claim.
Baskets The Baskets tab is displayed for a user when they add a document to a folder with mandatory MetaData and a process is assigned to it. It is an alert that documents exist that require their MetaTags to be updated. When you click the Baskets tab, on the left pane, you can view the list of baskets (grouped by Folder) that contain the documents that need updating. Click on the required basket to view and complete each basket. Completing a basket will automatically start the associated process and make the document visible to all other users with sufficient permissions.
MetaData The Outstanding MetaData tab indicates that a number of Documents require their mandatory MetaTags updating. When you click the Outstanding MetaData tab you can view the list of documents for which you need to update the MetaData. Note: Outstanding MetaData highlights documents that have a MetaGroup containing mandatory MetaData applied to a folder but NO process. If a process has been assigned to a folder, they will appear in a basket, see above.
Pending The Pending tab is where background job notifications will appear, such as bulk permission changes or bulk move operations. Enter this page to view and dismiss notifications for running and completed jobs.
Help The Help tab is where you can explore this Causeway Docs Feature Guide
Settings The Settings tab is where you can set various personal settings and preferences. It is here where you can also set delegations for any tasks you may receive while out of the office.

5.2 Navigation: Tips and Tricks

5.2.1 Organisational Units

A single click on "Organisations" or "Projects" in the Navigation Pane will navigate to the previous location in the last Organisation or Project accessed.

organisational units image 1

Clicking twice will navigate to a landing page listing all the available Organisations or Projects.

organisational units image 2

5.2.2 Admin and Overview Tiles

From the Organisation/Project Page, click Overview of an Organisation or Project

admin overview image 2

...or, from the Breadcrumb trail, click the shield at the start of the breadcrumb.

admin overview image 2

5.2.3 Folder Navigation

To browse the folders within an Organisation or Project...

...click the Browse Option on the Organisation or Project Tile

folder navigation image 1

...or, click the Browse Tile in the Overview page.

folder navigation image 2

5.2.4 The Breadcrumb Trail

Once in an Organisation or Project, navigation is via the folder structure and the Breadcrumb Trail.
(An overview icon and an OU navigation page link (e.g. "Projects") have been included to improve quick navigation)

breadcrumb rail image 1

The breadcrumb is used consistently whether browsing an OU or viewing the overview tiles and functionality.

breadcrumb rail image 2

The responsive breadcrumb trail provides a dropdown when space is limited.

breadcrumb rail image 3

5.2.5 Jumping to a new location

There is also a Navigate to option to navigate to anywhere in the current Organisation or Project.

new location image

5.2.6 The Detail Panel

The file detail panel displays a summary of key document and folder information including MetaData and also provides quick access to the Audit, Version and Process details.

file overview panel image

5.2.7 Favourites and Recents

These allow easy navigation to any items marked as Favourites throughout the system. Recent Items are also listed for quick access to recent work.

favourites recent image

5.2.8 Shortcuts

These allow easy navigation to a folder or file in another location. Create a shortcut by selecting Create Shortcut from the options menu of a file or folder. Multiple Shortcuts can be created within the same OU to link to common/central areas and files.

Shortcut image

5.2.9 External Links

These allow easy navigation to a external websites via a URL link. Create an external link by selecting Add New External Link from the "+" menu from the Options button

Shortcut image

5.2.10 Tasks and Baskets

These are all also accessed from the Navigation Pane but will only appear if you have outstanding items. N.B The Baskets navigation will only show your basket items. To view other users' baskets use the "User Baskets" tile on the Overview page.

5.2.11 Hiding the Navigation Pane, My Settings and Online Help

There are two new icons at the bottom of the Navigation Pane for help and settings. The navigation panel can be hidden or opened by clicking the arrow that appears whilst hovering over it.

hide image image

My Settings lists all User Settings, i.e. notifications and task delegations.

hide settings image

Help Opens this Help Guide .

hide help image

Hide/Unhide - this hides or unhides the Navigation Pane to create a larger working area.

hide navigation image

5.3 The Working Area

This section highlights the three key control areas of the Work Area in the Causeway Docs application. This area contains the list of all the files and folders of the current OU. For each file or folder, you can see Quick Action Icons, any defined MetaData. When you hover over a line a Detail icon that opens the item detail pane and an Options Menu button appear which lists more actions for the specific line item. In addition, there is a top-level list of Action Icons for filtering, sorting, and performing operations on multiple file selections.

working area image

UI Element Description
Quick Action Icons The Quick Action icons change colour to visibly identify underlying details and are clickable to open each function.
Action Icons The Action Icons are for operations on objects in the work area in general, e.g. search, multi-select, and filters. They auto-hide and appear when you hover over the Actions button.
Options Menu The Options Menu contains contextual functions for the respective line items, such as move, delete, and download.

5.3.1 Quick Action Icons

Icon Description
Click the Favourites icon to add a file or folder to your "Favourites" list for easier navigation.
Click the Comments icon to add and view comments against an item. A blue coloured icon means comments have already been added to the item.
Click the Versions icon to view the different versions of a document. A blue coloured icon means that there are previous versions of the document.
The Caution icon indicates that the file or the folder will only be visible to the organisation admin and will not be visible in search or tag results. I.e. all permissions have been removed.
Click the Tag icon to view or edit the reference tag against the item. A blue coloured tag indicates that a reference tag has already been added to the item.
The Lock icon indicates that a file is locked. For example, if the document is currently in a process.
The purple Process Icon indicates the document is currently in a process. A blue icon indicates previous processes have been completed.

5.3.2 Options Menu

The Options Menu is available for all objects. The list of options in the drop-down menu vary for different object types and the context and state they are in. Availability is also dependant on User Type.

The full list of options that can appear in the options menu are:

Icon Option Description
Abort Process An Administrator or the initiator of a process can abort a running process, deleting all outstanding associated tasks.
Add Tag Any object can be tagged with a reference. This reference can be used for direct access via a fixed URL that specifies the tag value. This can be used in borderless mode for third party applications to access documents directly without going through the user interface.
Add Version This option allows you to add a new version to an existing document.
Audit This option allows you to track the history of any changes made to an item in the application.
Check In This option is to Check In a previously checked out document.
Check Out This option allows a user to Check Out a document, in affect locking it to other users.
Comments Multiple comments can be added against a document. These can be plain text, supporting documents (attachments), scribbles or images.
Copy Files and folders can be copied to anther location.
Create Shortcut This allows you to create a shortcut to a file or folder in a selected location.
Delete This option allows you to delete an object. The deleted object will be stored in the Recycle bin until it is purged EXCEPT previous versions of files that will be permanently deleted. N.B. To delete an item, specific delete permissions are required.
Download This option allows you to download single or multiple documents.
Edit Delegation As an administrator you can add or remove a user delegation e.g. set it for a user who has unplanned leave. Delegates are used to duplicate a task to a secondary user so that key business processes are not held up if a key process participant is absent.
Edit MetaTags When a MetaGroup is applied to a folder, all files added to that folder will inherit the grouped MetaTags and they will be visible. This option is used to edit the values.
Favourite Files and folders can be marked as favourites for easy access via the Favourites tab.
Go To Publish From This opens the folder where the parent of a published folder is located.
Instance Diagram If a document is in a current process or has historic processes, then you can view the process map by clicking this.
Make Administrator When browsing users, administrators can elevate other users to Administrators.
Make Key User When browsing users, administrators or key users can elevate other users to Key Users.
Move Files and folders can be moved to another folder within the same OU
Overview This opens a convenient Overview page to review the document details and provide quick access to Audit, Version and Process information.
Permissions This option will be available only for users with “Full” permissions and allows permissions on a folder or file to be set. Other users can only view permissions.
Publish A current version of a file can be published to multiple locations as a clean file with no comment or version history. For example, this is useful when a final version of a drawing with multiple “work in progress” comments is finally approved and needs publishing to a new location as a “clean” file for client approval.
Published Locations This will open a blade listing all published locations and allows easy navigation to them.
Remove from Basket If a document is added to a Process folder with mandatory metadata, then it will be added to a basket. If this is no longer required, this option will remove it from the basket. N.B If the file is a new file with no versions it will be deleted, otherwise the previous version will be restored.
Remove from Org Unit This allows an Administrator to remove a user from an OU.
Rename This option allows you to rename a file, folder, or project.
Republish If a new version of a published file is added, the file can be republished. I.e. the latest version can be re-published to existing or a new location.
Revoke Admin Rights This allows an Administrator to demote an Administrator.
Revoke Key User Rights This allows a Key User or Administrator to demote a Key User.
View Versions This option opens a list of previous versions of the current file.
View This option will only be available for PDF and image files and allows you to view the file. Example file types supported are pdf, png, jpg, and tiff.
Show in Parent Folder When viewing a process for a document this option opens the parent folder of the document.
Start Process Processes are initiated automatically when adding files (or versions) to a process folder. When the initial process has completed or been aborted this option allows the process assigned to the folder to be re-started for a specific document.
Split View This option will allow you to view the PDF and Image documents in a split view whilst in the main browse area, showing both the current list of files and a file preview.
Task Audit List This option displays the status of the tasks for the current document process. Example Task Audit information includes when tasks were completed, who by, which are outstanding and who they are allocated to.

5.3.3 Control Bars

The Browse Control Bar has the following functions:

Button Description
Click on the Breadcrumb trail navigation for easy navigation.
Click the drop-down menu at the end of the breadcrumb trail and you will have OU or folder specific menu options available. See Options Menu.
Click the Filter and Facet icon to filter the files in the current view. This can be achieved by specifying additional filter criteria based on any MetaData applied or other data in the current view e.g. filename.
Click the Export icon to export the content of the current view along with any MetaData displayed. For example, in the relevant screen, this can be used to export User details, Project details, Storage Used, and File lists and MetaTag information.
Click the Change View icon to change the current view by selecting "List View", "MetaTag View" or adding and removing fields from the current view.
Click the Sort icon to sort the items in the current view. Click again to toggle between ascending and descending.
Click the Select Multiple Documents icon to allow multiple files to be selected in the current folder. Operations can then be performed on that selection of files at the same time.
Multi-Select Copy copies all selected documents to a new location.
Multi-Select Move moves all selected documents to a new location.
Multi-Select Download emails a zip file containing the selected documents.
Multi-Select Delete sends all the selected files to the recycle bin.
Multi-Select Publish publishes all selected files to a selected location (all files will go to the same location).
Navigate To allows you to navigate directly to a chosen location within the current OU.
Click the Folder Settings icon when browsing folders to access folder settings to assign a MetaGroup, a Process, a MetaTag extraction Strategy, or a Default Publishing Location to the current folder. This button is displayed only when you have Admin rights to the current OU.
Click the Search icon to search for content. The user can select to search in the current location and its subfolders, just the current OU or all OUs. Results will only be returned where the current user has sufficient permissions.
Click the Add icon to add a file or a folder to the current location. This button is only displayed when you have Modify (or greater) permissions on the current folder.

The Project Control Bar has the following functions:

Button Description
Click the Add icon to create a new Project. New projects can only be created if you are licenced to do so. A Max Project count is stored against each Organisation, contact Causeway Support if you require more Project licences.
Click the Project Settings icon when on a Project Overview screen to edit project settings; here, the project name and project type can be edited or the project can be archived. This button is only displayed when you are a Project Administrator.
Click the Archive icon when in the Project Navigation screen to view or restore archived projects. Any user can view archived projects that they were previously a member of, but only previous Project Administrators and Organisation Administrators can restore them.

6. MetaTags and MetaGroups

MetaTags are user defined tags that allow documents to be categorised or labeled with bespoke customer data.

6.1 Creating MetaTags

A system administrator can create unlimited user defined MetaTags and group them together into different groups via the MetaData Tile in the Overview page. These groups can be applied to folders to force all added content to inherit specific MetaTags.

MetaTags have the following options;
  • Type (text, number, or date)
  • Single or Multiple Values
  • Limited to a list (the values are restricted to a pre-defined list)
  • Exclude from Facet Search
  • Exclude from Advanced Search (Default is to exclude)
  • Exclude from Document Preview
create MetaTag image

Notes: The facet search is designed to slice and dice information by different "types" so MetaTags should be excluded from Facet Search if they have unique values. Unique values should be included in the Advanced Search to enable specific value searches. See "Search, Facets and Filters" for filtering content based on MetaTag Values and Advanced Searching

6.2 Creating MetaGroups

When added into a MetaGroup you can control certain behaviour for each MetaTag. These settings are specific to each group.

create MetaGroup image

Mandatory If a MetaTag is Mandatory, when adding a file, before a process can start, the MetaTag will need to be updated.
Version Sticky If a version of a file is added, then any Version Sticky values will be inherited by the new version. If not, the MetaTag value on the new version will remain blank.
Process Update Only MetaTags flagged as Process Update Only will be locked from User editing (even by an Administrator) and only be allowed to be updated by a defined process. This option is mutually exclusive to Bulk Update.
Bulk Update MetaTags flagged as Bulk Update will be allowed to be updated on multiple files at once via the Multi-Select option. This option is mutually exclusive to Process Update Only.
Force Lock in Process MetaTags flagged as Force Lock in Process will be locked from User editing if the document is in a process even if the MetaTag is not mapped to the process. (By default, only MetaTags mapped to a process will be locked during the process)

6.3 Applying MetaGroups to folders

You can apply MetaGroups to a folder from the Folder Settings option. Once set, all the MetaTags mapped to that MetaGroup and any default values are applied to any new documents added to the folder - Only Organisational Administrators can access folder settings.

apply MetaGroup image

Notes: Changing or removing the MetaGroup on a folder will not lose any MetaTag values.

6.4 Setting Default MetaTag Values

Once a MetaGroup is applied to a folder you have an option to set default values against each MetaTag. These values will be inherited by any new documents added into the folder. New Version MetaTags will not be set with the default value if they flagged as "Version Sticky" and all ready contain a value.

set default MetaTag image

6.5 Editing MetaTags

Any folder with a MetaGroup applied will default to a MetaTag view, surfacing the MetaTag data and allowing you to edit the values as required. Editing MetaTags can be done on an individual file via the pencil icon next to the metatags, via the options menu or on multiple files via the Multi-Select option.

Individual MetaTag Editing

edit individual MetaTag image

Multi-Select MetaTag Editing via a wizard

edit multi-select MetaTag image

Notes: Only MetaTags set for Bulk Update will be allowed to be updated on multiple files.

7. Working with Folders

Only Organisational Administrators can access folder settings, however, an administrator and Users with “Full” permissions can set access permissions at an Organisation level, Project level or Folder level.

7.1 Setting Permissions

The Permissions are accessed from “Permissions” in the Options Menu or Breadcrumb dropdown menu. The Permissions on an object are set by groups and can be “Read”, “Modify”, “Delete” or “Full”. Once set they are inherited by any folders and files created in the parent folder.

set permission image

Notes: Permissions will only be set on the current object. If you want the same set of Permissions to be applied on all the sub-items below the current location click “Replace permissions on sub-items”.

7.2 Applying MetaGroups

You can apply MetaGroups to a folder from the Folder Settings option. Once set, all the MetaTags mapped to that MetaGroup and any default values are applied to any new documents added to the folder - See Previous section on MetaTags and MetaGroups

7.3 Applying Processes

You can apply Processes to a folder from the Folder Settings option. You can select a Process and apply it to a folder. All the files loaded to that folder automatically go through that process (when all mandatory MetaData is complete).

1. Open folder settings and select a Process from the Processes drop-down list.

2. If required, select a strategy from the MetaTag Extraction Strategy from the drop-down list. (If set, all added files will have an option available to auto-populate the MetaTags before completing the Basket.)

apply processes image 1

3. Under the MetaTag Mappings section, all the pre-defined Process MetaTags from the selected Process will be listed.

4. Select the MetaTag from the drop-down list to map to each Process MetaTag - this is so the Docs MetaTags will be mapped and passed to and from the process.

5. Under the Variable Mappings Section, if a process variable has been defined you can select a value for each variable that will be specific to this folder and process. The value will be passed to the process as the process is initiated.

apply processes image 2

6. Under User Mappings and Group Mappings sections, you need to map the Process roles to the Users and Groups maintained in the Causeway Docs administration pages.

apply processes image 3

7. Click Apply

Note: If you click Remove Process Settings, the settings that are already applied to the folder will be removed

7.4 Default Publishing Folder

A document can be published automatically during a process. This option allows a default publishing location to be set up against a folder.

E.g. A drawing in a specific “BIM Approval folder” (Work in Progress), might need to go to a specific Client accessible folder (Shared) automatically, after it has been approved. This Client folder could have a further Client Approval process against it.

7.5 Uploading and Downloading Folders

Multiple or single folders can be dragged and dropped into Docs and also downloaded - the original folder structure will be maintained.

N.B. There is no restriction for uploads, but there is a limitation due to performance restraints on the amount of content that can be downloaded in one go. This is currently set at 1GB and/or 2000 files

8. Working with Files

8.1 Version Control

The Causeway Docs application supports version management of a document. When you add an existing document with the same file name, the file is uploaded to Causeway Docs with a new version number. The older version of the file is also maintained in the application. You can at any time view and download the older versions. The grey versions quick action icon indicates that there are no other versions of the file in the system. When an updated version of the file is added, the button colour is changed to blue.

N.B If a MES (Metadata Extraction strategy - Filename) is applied to a folder, then you have the ability to flag specific fields in the filename as unique values. This is done within the MES creation screen. This will cause any new files dragged into a folder to be compared with any existing files to check for matching unique field values. If the configured fields match then the files will automatically be added as a new version to the existing file rather than creating a new file.

8.2 Tagging

Any object can be tagged with a reference. This reference can be used for direct access via a fixed URL that specifies the tag value. This can be used in borderless mode for third party applications to access documents directly without going through the UI. The grey tag reference quick action icon indicates that there is no tag on the file. When a Tag Reference is added, the icon colour is changed to blue.

An example URL could be www.docs.causeway.com/content/tag/TAG-REF?borderless=true

8.3 Commenting

Click the Comments button to add and view the comments. A blue coloured icon means comments have already been added to the view. Throughout the life cycle of a document, directly in the browser or via a process, the comments feature allows the history of the document to be documented. Plain text, scribbles (mark-ups), images, and supporting documents are all supported and stored in the comments history. Processes can be defined to add comments automatically.

commenting image

8.4 Mark-up: Scribbles

Causeway Docs has a built-in viewer for images and PDFs. When in the viewer you have the option to do simple mark-ups called “Scribbles” on the document. These mark-ups will be saved as comments against the original document.

When a scribble is made in a document, the original document is not affected and Scribbles cannot be created on a document when it is locked in a process unless you are included in the folder process settings as a user or group member.

To scribble on a file, perform the following steps:

1. Click on a file to view it and the file preview is displayed (PDFs and images only)

markup scribble image 1

2. Click the edit button and the Edit toolbar is displayed

markup scribble image 2

The Edit toolbar has the following options:

Actions Description
Click the Settings button to open the settings tool bar where you can change colours, the line type and the font size and weight.
Click the Select icon to switch to the select cursor to edit components.
Click the Pencil button for freehand drawing.
Click the Arrow button and drag the cursor on the document to draw an arrow.
Click the Comment button and drag the cursor on the document to draw a comment bubble.
Click the Text button and drag the cursor on the document to create a text box and then enter the text. (N.B use “Shift-Enter” for a new line.)
Click the Shapes button and drag the cursor on the document to draw a shape.
Click the Trash Can button and click the cursor on the component you want to remove.
Click the Undo button to undo the last scribble
Click the Redo button to re-do the last undone scribble
Click the Close button to close the Edit tool.
Click the Save button to save the changes made as a comment against the original document.

3. Make the required changes to the document and click save to save the scribble.

markup scribble image 3

4. In the description field, enter the description of the scribble and click Save. The scribble will be saved as a comment and can be viewed via the comment sidebar.

Note: when a document is updated with a scribble, the Comment button is changed to a blue colour. When you move the cursor over the button, the number of comments is displayed.

8.5 Downloads and File Sharing

Files and folders can be downloaded individually, but when using the multi-select option or downloading folders, the selected files are zipped and stored on the server. When created, an email notification is sent to the initiator with a link to download the files.

The email can be forwarded to any email address allowing any user (including non-Docs Users), to download the selected files. This enables Docs to be used as document sharing platform ideal for sharing large files.

8.6 Publishing

8.6.1 Publishing to a new Location

A current version of a file can be published to multiple locations as a clean file with no comment or version history - even if the file is locked in a process. For example, this is useful when a final version of a drawing with multiple comments is finally approved and needs publishing to a new location as a “clean” file for client approval. To Publish to multiple locations, select and add the locations to the publish list before clicking OK

publishing image

Note: Multiple files can be selected using the multi-select option in the control bar to publish multiple documents at once.

8.6.2 Republishing

If a new version of a published file is added, the file can be republished. I.e. the latest version can be re-published to the previously published locations or published to a new one. N.B The publishing icons will be grey if the published documents (the parent and destination) do not match.

republishing image

8.6.3 Publishing from an Organisation

Files can also be published from a Parent Organisation to locations in its associated projects. This is ideal for creating a standard repository of corporate documents such as Health and Safety and Quality policies. These can be centrally updated and republished to several projects and locations at once.

When publishing a file from an organisation you will have the option to select any Project created in that Organisation, and then select a location within it. The normal publishing rules will apply. To Publish to multiple locations, select and add the locations to the publish list before clicking OK

organisation publishing image

8.7 Microsoft Office Files

Storing and previewing Office files are supported by default. If you have an Office 365 account then Word, Excel and Powerpoint files can be edited within Docs - you will be prompted to log in to your Office 365 account. N.B. Multi-User concurrent editing is supported.
Once A Docs user begins and edit session additional users may join and leave the edit session, but it is only when the final editor closes the office document that a Docs version is created. (This may not be the person that initiated the edit).

8.8 Previews

Previewing Office, PDF, and image files are all supported with a built in viewer.

8.6.1 Pop-Outs

Note the "Pop-Out" icon in the header. This allows the preview to be displayed in a separate window, useful if you use multiple monitors.

pop-out icon image

preview icon image

8.8.2 PDF Comparisons

Note the "Compare" selection box in the header. This allows a previous version to be selected and over layed on the current view. A slider will appear and allow the user to vary the transparency of the two versions to highlight any visual differences.

comparison image

8.9 Document Check Out

A document can be Checked-Out and hence locked to other users if you want to temporarily prevent a file from being updated or if you want to download it to work on it offline.

document checkout image

You can Check In the document at anytime and simply "unlock" it or add a version and unlock simultaneously. Note: Administrators are able to override this feature and check-in a document checked out by another user.

document check-in image

8.10 MFU - Multi File Upload

If a MetaGroup has been applied to a folder, you can drag a number of files into that folder and automatically update the metadata from an excel control file. The first step is to create an excel control file that consists of the columns: File Name, Reference Tag, MetaTag1 Name, MetaTag2 Name, ... , MetatagN Name. A ready made template can be downloaded from the folder details blade or the folder settings blade - see below.

MFU image

When you drag files into a folder, if a MetaGroup has been applied you will have the option to "Include Control File". If this is selected then you can then drag in, or choose from your device, your excel control file.

MFU image

During the upload, Docs will attempt to match all the filenames you are dragging in with the filenames specified in the control file; if there is a match then the MetaTags will be updated with the corresponding MetaTag value in the control file. If the number of files don't match, or the MetaTag Values are of the wrong type, then you will be presented with a list of errors so you can correct the data.

9. Working with Projects

9.1 Project Templates

A project template allows an Administrator to save a snapshot of a project to create new replica Projects as and when required.

The current list of projects for an organisation can be listed via the "Projects" tile on the Organisation Overview page. Select "Create Template" from the options menu to take the snapshot and create a template.

project template image 1

A Project Template will store the following Project information;

1. Project Users that are in the parent Organisation

2. User groups

3. MetaTags

4. MetaGroups

5. MetaData extraction strategies

6. Folders and their Settings (Folder Structure, Applied MetaGroups, Processes & Permissions)

7. Virtual folders

8. Organisational Published Files - the template will store any Documents that have been published from the parent Organisation (e.g central Quality or H&S policies) When the project is created from the template, the published file will be created from the current version of the parent file but skipped if it has since been deleted.

Once created, the template has no relationship with the source project i.e. any changes to the project after the template has been created will NOT be reflected in the template.

Project Templates can be viewed via the Organisation Overview tile. Use the Options Menu to view the template details or delete it.

project template image 2

Use the "+" (Create new Project) option on the Project Navigation screen to add a new project. If you want the new project to be based on a template, then select a template from the drop down option.

project template image 3

9.2 Editing Project Templates

Project Templates cannot be edited directly, however, to "edit", create a new project from the template, configure the new Project, e.g. add or delete groups or MetaTags as required, and then save the project as a new template and delete the old one.

9.3 Archiving Projects

Archiving a Project will remove a project from the live project list for all users and mark it as archived.

To archive a Project go to Project Settings on the Overview page and click "Archive".

archive project image

All users will be able to see archived projects that they were a member of by clicking the "Archived Projects" button on the Project Navigation Screen.

restore project image

Administrators can use the "Archived Projects" tile to view all archived projects

archived projects image

9.4 Restoring Archived Projects

Only Organisational Administrators and former Project Administrators will be able to restore an archived project. This can be done from the Project Archive sidebar on the Project Navigation screen or the "Archived Projects" screen accessed from the "Archived Projects" tile in the Organisation Overview.

restore archived projects image

Organisations are licenced for a specific number of Projects, Archived Projects are not included in this "Max Project Count". However, a spare project licence is required to restore a Project.

9.5 Deleting Projects

Only archived projects can be deleted. Only Organisational Administrators will be able to delete an archived project. This can be done from the "Archived Projects" screen accessed from the "Archived Projects" tile in the Organisation Overview. See diagram above.

Note: Only Archived Projects can be deleted and once deleted they CANNOT be restored.

10. Search, Facets and Filters

10.1 Search

The Search icon in the actions bar allows you to search from the current location or in a specific Organisation or Project. The Filename, Content and MetaTags are all indexed and will be included in the search.

search bar image

10.2 Advanced Search

The Advanced Search - accessible from the bottom of the expanded standard search - allows you to be more specific on what and where you want to search. You can select Item Type or Created By to narrow the scope of the search. You can also search just the FileName, just the File Content or just selected MetaTags for specific values. (Or all together)

advanced search bar image

10.3 Saved Search

The Advanced Search can be edited by clicking "Create New Search". Enter a name in the Saved Search name box, remove any fields you are not interested in using th trash can icon and enter any default values you want as part of the search. You can also set the root folder of where you want the search to begin. Clicking "Save New Search" will save these setting for quick access in the future.

You can access the saved search in the future by either clicking the "Saved Search" overview tile or using the drop down menu in the advanced search. A selected Saved Search will remain as your default advanced search until you remove or change the saved search selection.

saved search bar image

10.4 Filters

The content filter allows you to do a quick filter on the current folder, filtering on the visible metadata, e.g. Filename containing “030”

content filter image

10.5 Facets

Facets allow you to search for files in an Organisation or Project Folder (and its sub folders) by selecting specific MetaData values applied to those documents.

facets image

The Facets pane is displayed on the left side. All the system MetaData and user defined MetaData applied to the files in the current folder and its sub folders are listed in the Facets pane. The number against the MetaTag, indicates the number of unique MetaTag values that are present. The number against each of the MetaTag values indicates how many documents that are present with that specific value.

Note: The Facet MetaData values will only be listed in the Facets pane if there are multiple MetaTag values present in the current folder or subfolders.

1. On selection of the value, the tick mark is changed to blue colour.

2. It is possible to select multiple values under a different MetaTag.

3. Use the Facet search box to filter the MetaTag values, allowing specific MetaTag values to be located.

4. Click Show Results.

The results are displayed in the Work Area.

10.6 Daily Document Digest

If you are using the facet filter to select documents on a regular basis, this feature allows you to setup an automatic nightly excel extract. From the overview page, click on the Daily Digest tile to get to the maintenance screen. Here you can create, edit, enable and disable the daily digests.

daily digest image

When creating a daily digest you will need to specify a name, an output location of the excel file and a MetaGroup that contains the MetaTags you want to export. You can select one of the MetaTags from the specified MetaGroup to create a filter condition. The output filename is based on the Document Digest name and you can set the output to create a new file each time (time stamped), or add a version to the same file.

Note: The Daily Digest will only output documents that match the MetaTag criteria AND have been modified or created during the previous day. (This is by design to avoid the same data being exported repeatedly)

11. Process Folders and Tasks

11.1 Automated Processes

If a process is assigned to a folder then any document uploaded to that folder will automatically initiate the process, but only if the file is in a Ready state. i.e. all Mandatory MetaData has been updated.

11.2 Using Baskets

Any files in a Process folder that are pending MetaData will delay the process execution and are listed in a Basket. These files (versions of files) are only visible to the current user until the basket is completed. This is to allow the user to update all the required Metadata, before other users can access the files and before the process starts. Baskets allow automatic extraction of MetaData, see below.

To view the items in your own Basket, click on the option in the navigation pane, or user the "User Baskets" tile to view all baskets in the respective OU.

view basket image

All the Process Documents with pending MetaData are listed under the Baskets menu. If a MetaData Extraction Strategy (MES) has been defined, you can click the Auto Populate MetaTags button if you want to automatically update the data in the MetaTags.

auto populate MetaTag image

Once all the documents are “Ready” the basket can be completed, and all the documents will initiate the configured process.

11.3 The User Task List

When a process has been initiated, tasks will be generated for pre-defined users and groups as specified in the process configuration on the folder settings. A user might be part of a group task or a specific user task, but all tasks will appear in the user task list (accessible on the Navigation Pane)

user task list image 1

The priority of the task and the number of days to complete the task is displayed on the top and there is a filter to find specific tasks. Each task can be expanded to show task details and the document view is displayed on the left pane. With this screen you can add text comments or scribble on the document to highlight any relevant points. Comments and MetaTags can be updated based on the pre-configured process definition.

user task list image 2

Note: Click the Task Audit and Diagram buttons to view Process information. If the task document has any linked documents (i.e. other documents that have the same tag reference) a Linked Documents button will appear here to let you browse those documents.

11.4 Process and Task Administration

When a process has been initiated, tasks will be generated for pre-defined users and groups. As well as the User Task list, a user can utilise the Process, Task, and Task Summary tiles, to view, manage, and export processes and task details depending on their permissions. (A standard user will only see documents that they have at least read only access to, but an Administrator will see all). See the Process Administration screen below. Here you can filter the tasks based on status, the initiating folder location, general text, or by specific process age. The latter is useful to report on all processes over a certain age e.g. over 14 days old.

task administration image 1

The Task Administration screen shows specific process tasks, who they are assigned to, and their status. On this screen you can filter tasks by text, parent process, assignee, task status, type and parent folder.

task administration image 2

Note: On both the Task and Process Administration screens a Multi-Select Abort option and an Export to Excel option are available.

The Task Summary blade displays a count of all open tasks by process for that OU. Each task count is clickable to navigate to a list of those specific tasks.

task administration image 3

12. User Settings

Personal settings can be set in the My Settings page.

To access My Settings, click the cogs icon in the bottom left corner of the navigation pane.

12.1 Enabling Notifications

You can enable or disable Email notifications, that are sent when a task is assigned to you or you are set as a delegate by another user.

enable notifications image

12.2 Managing Delegates

Causeway Docs allows a user to manage task delegation in the event of a planned absence.

Note: An administrator can also manage (override) these settings in the administration pages via the “Users” administration tile.

All the Organisations and the Projects to which a user belongs are listed in the My Settings page.

1. Click Select User in the Organisation or a Project for which you want to delegate a user.

2. Click Delegate for the user whom you want to delegate your tasks.

3. Enable the delegation settings by selecting the Tick against the Organisation or Project.

manage delegates image